Brand Ambassadors & Cooperations - USG - United Sportproducts Germany GmbH

Brand Ambassadors & Cooperations


Brand Ambassadors


Ingrid Klimkecopyright by Datenreiter / Kaiser


Birthday:               01.04.1968
Place of birth:       Münster/Westfalen
Country of birth:  Germany
Discipline:             Dressage, Jumping and Eventing

Horses:                 SAP Hale Bob OLD, Franziskus, EQUESTROs Siena just do it, Asha P, Weisse Düne, EQUITANAs Firlefanz, Freudentänzer etc.

Outstanding successes: World Championships 2022 Herning: Bronze - Dressage Team; WC 2021 Avenches: Silver - Eventing Team; German Championships 2020: Gold - Eventing; European Championships 2019 Luhmühlen: Gold - Eventing Individual & Team; WC 2018 Tryon: Bronze - Eventing Individual; Olympic 2016 Rio de Janeiro: Silver - Eventing Team; EC 2017 Strzegom: Gold - Eventing Individual; German Championships: Gold Eventing (2020, 2009, 2001, 2000, 1999); Silver Eventing (2019, 2018, 2016, 2015, 2013, 2012); Bronze Eventing (2010, 2004, 1993); Bronze Dressage (2022).

Favourite product from USG: USG Flexi-Motion with EquiAirbag and Grub's Frostline 5.0


Picture: Agentur datenreiter / Kaiser

Michael Jung


Birthday:               31.07.1982
Place of birth:       Bad Soden (Ts.)
Country of birth:  Germany
Discipline:             Eventing

Horses:                 Chipmunk, Wild Wave

Outstanding successes: German Championship 2020 & '21 Münster-Handorf : Gold - Eventing Individual; German Championship 2022 Münster-Handorf: Silver - Eventing Team; Olympic Games 2016 Rio de Jainero: Gold - Eventing Individual, Silver - Eventing Team; European Championships 2021 Avenches: Silver - Eventing Team; European Championships 2019 Luhmühlen: Silver - Eventing Individual; etc.

Favourite product from USG: Flexi Motion safety vest


Picture: Michael Jung


Julia Krajewski


Birthday:               22.10.1988
Place of birth:       Langenhagen
Country of birth:  Germany
Discipline:             Eventing

Horses:                 Samourai du Thot, Amande de B’Neville

Outstanding successes: World Championship 2022 Pratoni del Vivaro:  1st place - Eventing team, 2nd place - Eventing individual; Olympia 2021 Tokio: Gold - VS Einzel; Deutsche Meisterin 2018, 1. Platz CHIO Aachen 2018, DM 2018 & 2019 Luhmühlen: 1. Platz - VS; Olympia 2016 Rio de Janeiro: Silber - VS Mannschaft; Teilnahme an allen Championaten in der Eventing (Pony-Senior)

Favourite product from USG: Flexi Motion with EquiAirbag





Frank Ostholt


Birthday:               23.09.1975
Place of birth:       Warendorf
Country of birth:  Germany
Discipline:             Eventing

Horses:                 Air Jordan 2, Little Paint, Jum Jum, Chaccos Crack, Luvis, Lisbeth

Outstanding successes: Olympic Champion, World Champion Team, 3 times German Master

Favourite product from USG: Flexi Motion safety vest




Sara Algotsson Ostholt


Birthday:               08.12.1974
Place of birth:       Kalmar
Country of birth:  Sweden
Discipline:             Eventing

Horses:                 Reality

Outstanding successes: EC 2017 Strzgom: Bronce - Eventing Team; EC 2013 Malmö: Silver - Eventing Team; Olympic Games 2012 London: Silver - Eventing Individual; 5 times swedish Master in Eventing.

Favourite product from USG : Flexi safety vest with EquiAirbag







Alina DibowskiBild Alina Dibowski


Birthday:               20.11.00
Country of birth:  Deutschland
Discipline:             Vielseitigkeit

Horses: Barbados, Little Princess xx, Comaan, Glücksfee, Moonlight Shadow

Outstanding successes : German Masters 2022 Luhmühlen: 5. place - Indivudal Eventing; CCI4*-NC-S 2022 Haras du Pin: 3. place - Individual Eventing; EM U21 2021 Segersjö: Gold - Team Eventing

Favourite products from USG : USG Flexi Motion Level 3 Weste


Picture by Alina Dibowski

Calvin Böckmann


Birthday:               27.04.2001
Place of birth:       Vechta
Country of birth:  Germany
Discipline:             Jumping, Eventing

Horses:                 Jumping: Carvella Z, Colourful; Eventing: Altair de la cense

Outstanding successes : German Championship U21 2022 Luhmühlen: 1st place - Eventing; Participation in 7 European Championships, 3 x Gold, 2 x Silver, 2 x Bronze

Favourite product from USG : EquiAirbag-Weste


Picture: Foto Kaup


Pauline Knorr


Birthday:               17.12.1995
Place of birth:       Bremen
Country of birth:  Germany
Discipline:             Eventing

Horses:                 Starlight, Wilbert BO, Lucy Dynamik, Quantana P

Outstanding successes : 2 times German Master, European Vice Master, multiple participation in U18 and U21 European Championships, placings up to CCI****

Favourite product from USG : EquiAirbag and Superphlog for cooling the horses legs.


Picture: Pompomompo Horse Photography

Greta Busacker


Birthday:               10.08.2002
Place of birth:       Münster/Westfalen
Country of birth:  Germany
Discipline:             Eventing

Horses:                 Scrabble OLD, EQUITANAs Firlefanz

Outstanding successes : Westphalian Championship Young Riders 2022 Münster-Handorf: 1st place - dressage individual and team; European Championship Young Riders 2021 Segersjö: Gold - Individual and Team; German Championships Juniors 2020 Luhmühlen: 1st place - Eventing; Westphalian Championship Young Riders 2019 Münster-Handorf: 1st place - Dressage

Favourite product from USG : EquiAirbag vest


Picture: Greta Busacker

Franziska Keth


Birthday:               19.05.1989
Place of birth:       Bad Nauheim
Country of birth:  Germany
Discipline:             Dressage & Eventing

Horses:                 Amani & All in One (Ali)

Outstanding successes : 2nd place S-Dressage and 1st in Eventing class A

Favourite product from USG : fur horse boots, breeches & care spray


Picture: Oliver Hadys



Heinrich Damian Brählercopyright by Bettina Schraps


Birthday:               12.10.1979
Place of birth:       Fulda
Country of birth:  Germany
Discipline:             Dressage, Jumping and Eventing

Horses:                 Best Buddy, Ganderas, Santo Scuro, Federleicht, Bossler’s Eolith, Niagara uvm.

Outstanding successes: German Championship German Driving Horse 2022 Moritzdorf: 1st place with Best Buddy; Hessian Professional Riders' Championships 2022 Neu-Anspach: 1st place with Federleicht; Award of the Golden Riding Badge 2014, Victories and placings until Grand Prix

Favourite products from USG : Bridle Skyline


Picture: Bettina Schraps




Jennifer Buda


Birthday:               16.09.1992
Place of birth:       Groß-Gerau
Country of birth:  Germany
Discipline:             Dressage

Horses:                 Daily Fun, Nachwuchspferde

Outstanding successes: Victories at the CDI Crozet & Deauville 2017; Golden Riding Badge 2017

Favourite product from USG : Riding gloves Ascot & dressage horse boots with fur





Jaycen Schlesinger


Birthday:               05.11.2007
Country of birth:  Germany
Discipline:             Jumping

Horses:                 Teddy, Mystic Moment und Carry Me Again

Outstanding successes: Special Olympics Germany 2022 Berlin: Gold & Silver - Jumping

My best experience: Winning the Katina Showcup 2019 with my Glücksbär.

My riding goals: I would like to become a good show jumper.

My riding role model : Daniel Könemund

Favourite USG product : I really like to wear my mega comfortable safety vest. I think your leather start numbers are really cool, because the numbers on my plastic ones always get mixed up. And the leather ones look like that can't happen with them.





Lia Julie Beckmann - #ponylove


Birthday:               15.09.2005
Country of birth:  Germany
Discipline:             Dressage & Jumping

Horses:                 Alfi (Hesselteichs Alfonso), Rocketman (Rocky), Las Dallas, Balti

My best experience: riding in the wadden sea at the North Sea

My riding goals: to aim for medium dressage with Alfi, to train for medium show jumping with Dallas.

My riding role model: Ingrid Klimke, Simone Blum

Favourite USG products: Flexi Motion safety vest, Precto Dynamic Fit back protector and my #ponylove collection.


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